LeanBiome® has been shown in human intervention studies to be an effective means of supporting lean body composition through the reduction of body fat.
In addition, LeanBiome helps consumers to opt for healthy eating choices through reducing cravings for sweet food by regulating glycaemic response.
LeanBiome® has also been shown in human intervention studies to increase gut microbiome diversity and to support health positive bacterial groups associated with lean body composition.
Oxford brookes university study
Impact of LeanBiome on Food Cravings
LeanBiome® works by regulating macronutrient metabolism and supporting the diversity of the microbiome, providing improved gut health due to the inclusion dietary and prebiotic fibres. The impact of LeanBiome® on food choice and cravings between meals was investigated in a double blind, placebo controlled human intervention study in 20, otherwise healthy, overweight to obese women over a 4-week period.
- 20 females, aged 18-65 years, with a BMI of 25-35kg/m2 were asked to participate
- The study randomly assigned SlimBiome® (n=10) or placebo treatment (n=10) to the participants
- Participants took SlimBiome® or the placebo with 200ml water, three times daily, 30min before each main meal for 4 weeks, while following the Eat Well Guidelines for healthy eating (Public Health England).
What were the results?
1. Reduced fat intake
Fat intake during ad libitum breakfast decreased in the LeanBiome® group but increased in the placebo between weeks 0 and 4

2. Decreased food cravings in particular, cravings for sweet food
3. Supported normal bowel habit and had no side effects

LeanBiome® can support healthy eating by reducing fat intake and food cravings, particularly for sweet foods.
Lightowler H, Kolida S, Wood C, Achebe I, Brennan H, Ahlstrom LC
The authors declare no conflict of interest. This human intervention study was funded by OptiBiotix Health PLC and carried out independently by Oxford Brookes University.
University of Roehampton Study:
Glycaemic Response
LeanBiome contains ingredients that impact on macronutrient metabolism through potentiating the action of insulin and controlling blood glucose. This study investigated the glycaemic index, and glycaemic response of LeanBiome in 12 healthy adult volunteers.
12 healthy males & females, in good health and free of metabolic diseases (metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity).
Further blood samples were taken at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after consumption and were analysed for their glucose content.
A fasting blood sample was taken at 0 min and the standard/test product was consumed immediately after this. The following tests were included:
- Dextrose: to demonstrate the response to a high GI food ingredient
- LeanBiome: ingredient under evaluation
Further blood samples were taken at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after consumption and were analysed for their glucose content.
What were the results?
1. The glycaemic index of LeanBiome was 31, foods with glycaemic index lower than 55 are considered low GI
2. The glycaemic response, the effect that food or meal has on blood glucose levels after consumption, was kept at significantly lower levels compared to that to dextrose
- Did not show fluctuations
- In line with the activity of the ingredients within LeanBiome

LeanBiome contains a blend of non-digestible functional fibres that do not have a significant impact on blood glucose concentrations as they are only metabolised by the gut microbiome to promote gut health. The chromium present in the formulation ensures that LeanBiome can regulate the peaks and troughs of blood glucose following a meal, as demonstrated by the glycaemic response findings.
The authors declare no conflict of interest. This human intervention study was funded by OptiBiotix Health PLC and carried out independently by the University of Roehampton
University of Roehampton Study:
Impact of LeanBiome on Body Composition and Gut Microbiome Diversity
The impact of LeanBiome® within a calorie restricted diet plan, on body composition fullness, hunger and cravings, mood and gut microbiome composition in a human intervention study.
- 12 females, aged 18-65 years, with a BMI of 25-35kg/m2 participated
- Participants consumed 9g SlimBiome® daily within a calorie control plan providing 1500 kcal/d
- Mood and craving parameters were recorded weekly
- Faecal samples were obtained at the beginning and end of the 4-week study for metagenomic analysis of the gut microbiome
What were the results?
Body Composition
Statistically significant improvements were observed in body shape and body composition including reductions in:
- Body Composition Improvements
- Reduced Cravings & Mood
- Increased Gut Microbiome Diversity

Cravings & Mood
- Statistically significant improvements in mood
- Statistically significant reductions to savoury cravings and reductions in sweet cravings.

Gut microbiome diversity
LeanBiome intake for a 4-week period significantly increased gut microbiome diversity in study participants. More specifically significant increases were seen in:
- Christensenellaceae, a microbial group that has been associated with lean body mass1
- Bacteroides, low levels of which have been associated with low VO2max2
LeanBiome supported healthy a bowel habit in the absence of side effects.

If you combine LeanBiome® with healthy eating and a calorie-restricted diet, it may be used as an effective means of supporting improved lean body composition whilst limiting the impact hunger can have.
Costabile A, Keleszade E, Willner T, Kolida S, Patterson M, Trangmar S
The authors declare no conflict of interest. This human intervention study was funded by OptiBiotix Health PLC and carried out independently by the University of Roehampton
1 https://doi.org/10.3920/BM2015.0069
2 https://doi.org/10.3390/nu9080792
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